
Leaders won’t get better results organisationally by focusing on the faults or poor behaviour of their employees. Leaders would be more effective by focusing their efforts internally, that is, working on their own self-awareness, self-deception, self-betrayal, blind spots and inadequate care. Blaming others for a lack of results suggests that the problem is “out there”…

There are numerous stories of those who had to overcome difficulty, were resilient and triumphed, even in the face of criticism or extreme hardship – Ignace Paderewski, the great Polish pianist, was told by his first piano teacher that his hands were too small to master the keyboard; Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper…

Most leaders (and in fact, most people) have the inability to be honest with themselves about their inadequacies; brutally honest, with growth as their goal. This inability leads to self-deception and justification. The problem is always ‘out there’, not internal. The fault lies with others, their attitude, their laziness, their incompetence. These leaders never seem…

Children can teach us adults a lot if only we would listen to them, pick up on their simple (even simplistic) logic and the nature of the questions that they ask. When my granddaughter was three years’ old, she arrived at the stage where she asked a lot of “why” questions, had an opinion on…

“All children are born geniuses; 9 999 out of every 10 000 are swiftly, inadvertently degeniusised by grownups” (Buckminster Fuller) Watching little children at play within the context of a safe environment is fascinating – they live in the ‘now’, their imaginations go into overdrive and the passion they express with every interaction or activity is unparallelled….

In terms of decision-making, teams are smarter than individuals, but only when they live the qualities of emotional intelligence. All members contribute to the overall level of emotional intelligence, but the leader holds unique sway in this regard. Emotions are contagious, and it is natural for individuals to pay extra attention to the leader’s feelings…

“The greatest barrier to someone achieving their potential is their denial of it” (Simon Travaglia) Managers have a responsibility to assist employees with performance improvement. They thus often must deal with interference – anything that stands in the way of employees reaching their potential. Interference can include avoidance by the employee of certain types of…

“Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they never found it, but because they didn’t stop to enjoy it” (William Feather) The term ‘balance’ does not imply that we spend equal time with family, equal time with work, equal time with friends, and so on. It means rather that we find in…

“I have immortal longings in me” (William Shakespeare) Trying to find meaning in our crazy and confused world seems to be a never-ending quest – the current chaos globally working its way into our lives. Decision-making brings new levels of uncertainty. Setting goals or fulfilling dreams seems far-fetched or at least so distant that you…

Some teams feel uncomfortable making important decisions. The team members rely on the wisdom of the manager to direct them, their goals, and their targets. They wait to be told what to do and don’t plan their approach to tasks that need to be accomplished. The resultant dysfunctionality leads to necessary micro-management from the leader…

“Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps down new roads armed with nothing but their own vision. Their goals differed, but they all had this in common: that the step was first, the road new, the vision unborrowed, and the response they received — hatred. The great creators — the thinkers, the…