
“Coercion cannot but result in chaos in the end” (Mahatma Gandhi) The trip on the metro was neither therapeutic nor overwhelming. It was just a means to an end – getting to work on time. In fact, a crowded train didn’t really provide the environment for reflection for Joe, so he found that thinking about…

My neighbour, previously from Mexico, made a piñata for his nephew and niece who were visiting from the United Kingdom for their holidays. A piñata is a container, often made of papier-mâché, pottery, or cloth, that is decorated, filled with candy, and then broken as part of a celebration. According to local records, the Mexican…

“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. Once humans develop artificial intelligence, it will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete and would be superseded” (Stephen Hawking) Artificial Intelligence (AI) leverages computers and…

We need to be aware as a manager, having adopted and implemented a 21st Century approach of truly engaging our employees with authenticity and care, that there might be one or two employees who pull the ring out of things and attempt to get as much out of the manager as possible. These specific employees,…

Gas-lighting is a term which is used to describe a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or team, making them question their own memory, perception or sanity. Using persistent denial, contradiction, misdirection and lying, gas-lighting involves attempts at destabilising the victim and delegitimizing…

Most employees seem to have been on the receiving end of the workplace bully at some stage in their respective careers. The concept was probably first documented by Andrea Adams in 1992 in her book: “Bullying at work: How to confront and overcome it”, but the practice has existed for many centuries. Workplace bullying is…

With the current pressures that businesses are facing, especially in the financial arena, the urge to force through an idea, proposal or a decision is a temptation every manager has to face. The pressure to get the results that are wanted (either from yourself as a manager or from others in senior positions) seems to…

You hear it so often – stories of distraught employees who have had enough. Struggling with disempowerment and the emotional stress that goes with manipulating managers, these employees want to throw in the towel and find a “better place in which to work” (synonymous with a better boss for whom to work). They simply can’t…