
When presidents play God, one is reminded of Martin Luther King’s words: “Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men.” Being a good leader in any context is tough – having a worthy vision, communicating with clarity, engaging authentically, empathising with compassion, providing hope, etc. One of the…

When confronted by significant differences of opinion with others, aggressive communication or manipulative forms of behaviour, particularly from those in more senior positions, many employees are overwhelmed and overcome – they either fight (respond aggressively or sarcastically), flee (get out of the situation as quickly as possible) or freeze (absolutely dumbstruck, they become speechless, or…

In many managers, there is a natural tendency to desire that their staff think like they do, agree with what they say and support their ideas – there seems to be a level of personal comfort and security that goes along with employees nodding their heads and following the manager unconditionally, but this is not…