leadership example

“Change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end” (Robin Sharma) Change initiatives and their accompanying strategies need to be communicated effectively so as to create both understanding and gut-level buy-in. In successful change efforts, the “big picture” and strategy are not locked in a room with the leadership team….

Over the past twenty years or more, responsibility for employee health has largely gravitated towards voluntary action on the part of forward-thinking employers, realising that they can play a large role in improving well-being through health promotion and ill health prevention activities. Encouraging life-style changes, some employers have increased expectations on their leadership to perform…

With all the technical, scientific, medical, and digital advances of the 21st Century, it is somewhat surprising that the human being remains desperately needy, broken, and fearful. The human condition, exacerbated by the selfishness, brutality, and immoral behaviour of many who are in power, drives people to search for meaning, hope, care, and love in…

Consultants, particularly those who are proficient in their respective disciplines, can be hugely helpful to their clients and business as a whole if they don’t only focus on the one issue that needs fixing, but also apply their minds to all the people factors that influence the effectiveness of the companies for whom they consult….

“When employees are kept informed instead of projecting an attitude of ‘I just work here’, they come across to customers as ‘I can help because I am in the know’” – ANON Whilst it is true that any possibility of a “personal touch” and “face-to-face” experience has been taken out of customer interactions, almost totally…

“If you’re not willing to accept the pain real values incur, don’t bother going to the trouble of formulating a values statement” (Patrick M Lencioni) In 1994, when Jim Collins and Jerry Porras published Built to Last, CEO’s all over the world starting investing time and energy in developing a set of values for their…

In a very competitive market, nothing is more valuable than reputation. With companies across different sectors rising and falling overnight, the responsibility of shareholders, employees and other stakeholders, in partnership with customers, to sustain and grow value for the long term is more important than ever. Co-creating value should be everyone’s priority, especially when a…

“Consistency is the only currency that matters” (Prudential Investment Managers) There are no short cuts to great leadership – great leadership is cultivated over time. In 1979, teenager Jadaf Payeng began planting trees on his small Northern Indian Majuli Island – it’s an action that he has repeated millions of times over the past 39…