
“Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance” (Bruce Barton) Facing a crisis is not a new concept for the world – there have been many crises that needed solving: world wars, pandemics, tsunamis and other natural disasters, etc. The current COVID-19…

Employee wellbeing and employee engagement are both critical ingredients of individual and organisational performance. The two concepts are inextricably interlinked, like two trees growing intertwined. When one is damaged, the other also suffers. This concept has become particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has not only impacted so many people physically, but, too, has…

Persistent insecurity has marked this year 2020 – our lives and livelihoods have been threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic. After many months of extreme uncertainty, many people are experiencing waves of anxiety and fear – even depression for some. Psychologists refer to these feelings of fear and persistent anxiety as an emotional tsunami – being…

“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope” (Martin Luther King) Have you ever known a time more desperate than what we are facing currently? We are in the midst of a devastating pandemic in the world. Many of our financial institutions are on the brink of collapse. Businesses and large…