
“What is depression like? It’s like drowning, except everyone around you is breathing” (Anon) Like joy, happiness, fun and pleasure are part of the experiences of all human beings, so also are moments of sadness, pain, anxiety and fear. In small doses, negative feelings are quite manageable and bouncing back is a real possibility for…

Employee wellbeing and employee engagement are both critical ingredients of individual and organisational performance. The two concepts are inextricably interlinked, like two trees growing intertwined. When one is damaged, the other also suffers. This concept has become particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has not only impacted so many people physically, but, too, has…

“Today is one of those days when I could restore myself to the default factory settings” (Anon) It is easy to feel negative, anxious and disgruntled, especially at a time when worldwide the COVID-19 virus is on the rampage again. The pandemic has pulled the rug out from under our feet, disrupted life as we…

While the primary threat posed by COVID-19 is on people’s physical health, the pandemic is also taking its toll on people’s mental health and wellbeing. As news about the Coronavirus dominates the headlines and public concern is on the rise, people increasingly experience waves of anxiety, panic and fear. Psychologists refer to these feelings of…

“We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope” (Martin Luther King) Have you ever known a time more desperate than what we are facing currently? We are in the midst of a devastating pandemic in the world. Many of our financial institutions are on the brink of collapse. Businesses and large…

Life’s journey is comprised of a series of “highs and lows”, moments of ecstasy and moments of extreme pain and many other more neutral emotional experiences in-between. These emotional “ups and downs” need to be managed, understood and processed in order to maintain emotional wholeness. Unless one had the privilege of having parents or other…

In our ever-changing and constantly disrupted world, leadership excellence is a necessity – although seemingly stating the obvious, countless different management philosophies and methods abound, many of which are ineffective and some even introducing toxicity and dysfunctionality into the work environment. Many organisations “labour” under poor and even devious managers. In these organisations, most employees…

“Proper preparation prevents poor performance” (British Army adage) More than ever before, there is pressure on businesses to ensure that their respective assets (people, intellectual property, products and machines) deliver real results. As cash is not as readily available as a decade or so ago, companies are forced to refocus energy on business efficiency, sustainable…

An optimist was once defined as a fellow who believes that a housefly is looking for a way to get out! Well, that’s maybe ‘silly’ optimism. Expressing some humour, James Branch Cabell (The Silver Stallion) said: “The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is…