emotional support

For authentic learning and growth to be realised, leaders need safe contexts to explore new lines of thinking and subsequent new practices. Frequently leaders feel unsafe, as if they are under a microscope, their every action scrutinised by those around them. As such, they never take the risk of exploring new habits. Knowing that others…

Consultants, particularly those who are proficient in their respective disciplines, can be hugely helpful to their clients and business as a whole if they don’t only focus on the one issue that needs fixing, but also apply their minds to all the people factors that influence the effectiveness of the companies for whom they consult….

“If the deck is stacked against you, reshuffle the cards” (Anon) There’s a part of me that wishes that the above quote could represent life and that managing everything that life throws at you was that easy. It’s not! Life is not a board or card game where, if you are losing, you can just…