emotional distress

“Today is one of those days when I could restore myself to the default factory settings” (ANON) Feeling overwhelmed, weighed down by concerns and buffeted by moments of extreme anxiety seem to be a significant part of the experience of life for most people over the past few years. The uncertainty that has been created…

“What is depression like? It’s like drowning, except everyone around you is breathing” (Anon) Like joy, happiness, fun and pleasure are part of the experiences of all human beings, so also are moments of sadness, pain, anxiety and fear. In small doses, negative feelings are quite manageable and bouncing back is a real possibility for…

Persistent insecurity has marked this year 2020 – our lives and livelihoods have been threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic. After many months of extreme uncertainty, many people are experiencing waves of anxiety and fear – even depression for some. Psychologists refer to these feelings of fear and persistent anxiety as an emotional tsunami – being…