customer needs

“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart” (Joe Chernov, CMO at Insight Squared) Consumers buy from trusted sources. Balancing good quality and helpful content with influential marketing initiatives allows the customer to see your company as a trusted industry leader. Of course, marketing and advertising are necessary expenses/investments in…

“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart” (Joe Chernov, CMO at Insight Squared) Consumers buy from trusted sources. Balancing good quality and helpful content with influential marketing initiatives allows the customer to see your company as a trusted industry leader. Of course, marketing and advertising are necessary expenses/investments…

Companies seem to be struggling to react swiftly to ever-changing customer expectations and needs in a business context of shifting market conditions and financial swings. Stephen M Dent (Partnership Relationship Management) noted: “Outmanoeuvring competitors involves capitalising on highly effective internal and external relationships that ensure the business has the capabilities to support its mission and…