Solving the world’s poverty dilemma is surely too big a topic to handle in a short article. A key emerging facet of the solution, however, is the steady increase in entrepreneurship worldwide. Small and large projects, when managed well through skilful leadership, develop profit, offer job opportunities for many and uplift the communities in which they are situated. The projects not only have positive financial implications, but also touch on issues of self-worth, esteem and pride – the community residents become more optimistic and are motivated to change any negative current circumstances into mutually beneficial environments for families and other emerging businesses. Good citizenship is encouraged and humanity as a whole starts improving.
Loyiso Mbete, a 33 year old man who lives amongst shack dwellers in a suburb of Stellenbosch, South Africa, identified a gap for honey in the prevailing market context. He negotiated with the owners of Timberlea Farms for an area of land to start his own business. Commencing his operation in 2009, he managed to buy 80 hives with his life-savings. Progress was slow initially and he soon realised that he needed more skills to fast-track the business. He approached the Department of Agriculture for assistance, was trained and received his Diploma in Management from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in 2013. Subsequent to earning his diploma, he has also received approximately US$ 65 000 in financial assistance and his business is now booming.
Bee farming has become a very lucrative economic activity to provide much needed income for local communities. Apart from a great need in honey world-wide, not only is honey produced as nutritious food, but honey bees are also kept on farms – fruit and vegetable farmers depend on these bees for crop fertilization. Loyiso’s work is indeed impacting the totality of the community. His tenacity to be an entrepreneur of influence is certainly making a difference in his context.
So, how does entrepreneurship affect our world? Jackson Lo noted the following: “Entrepreneurship shapes the way we perceive how life should be with how life is. It is about creating meaning by increasing the quality of life, righting wrongs and preventing the end of something good. Today, many opportunities exist that allow us to be successful. Entrepreneurs remind us that we all need to find something we are passionate about and to chase after it. They are motivated to make the world more creative and productive, emphasizing the benefits of going beyond human interactions and creating a foundation to revolutionize modern society and technology.”
Entrepreneurship is certainly a significant key to a country’s growth opportunities. Successful entrepreneurial activity and subsequent businesses so formed provide job opportunities, training for staff, disposable income, tax contributions, estate inheritance and innovation. Furthermore, there seems to be a profound effect on community – self-respect, esteem, passion and a sense of value and pride are some of the more significant social results of successful entrepreneurial attempts.