
You hear it so often – stories of distraught employees who have had enough. Struggling with disempowerment and the emotional stress that goes with manipulating managers, these employees want to throw in the towel and find a “better place in which to work” (synonymous with a better boss for whom to work). They simply can’t…

When my children were very young, there were certain environments where my wife and I “let them loose” to play to their heart’s content. They were free to run around and use their pent-up energy in the most creative ways, playing hide-and-seek, jumping up and down, kicking a ball or being innovative with their toys….

Work is a gift! Work is not only a means to a financial end, but an opportunity for you to express your unique giftedness in special ways. In fact, Thomas Aquinas, the medieval monk and scholar once said: “Without work, it is impossible to have fun”. Without attempting to romanticise the work concept, work almost…

As leaders, we are faced with decisions that need to be made on a daily basis. Many of them, especially the ones that are governed by cultural norms, societal principles or organisational procedures and policies, are easy to make – the decisions, in a sense, have already been made for one. Others prove to be…

In the turbulent environment in which businesses around the world are currently operating, organisational transformation has become imperative. No longer can outdated postal system providers be expecting growth year on year through mail deliveries – this is now largely handled electronically through e-mail and social networks. No longer can traditional banking exist entirely on its…

For leaders of organisations and businesses alike, the period before drifting off to sleep, when the sub-conscious mind seems to be working overtime, could be the most important and significant “thought moment” of the day in terms of knowledge (business and relational acumen) required to grow their respective organisations. In the “hour of the owl”,…

Citizens in so many countries are angry. Sometimes and in reasonably good faith, these people have gone to election polls to vote on progressive policy and the said good intentions of party leaders, only to be disillusioned over and over again through selfish and inconsiderate leadership – government officials lining their pockets with the spoils…

I love laughing. I don’t laugh enough unfortunately, as I am often sitting alone in a hotel room or in an airport lounge – boring places. I do try, however, even if it is offering a faint chuckle on account of an unusual event or allowing the makings of a smile produced by an observable…