Jonathan Mills

“One’s real life is so often the life one does not lead” (Oscar Wilde) Creative entrepreneurs, freelancers, and regular old people are forever searching for the secret to inspiration. Is it a flash, like lightning that strikes when you least expect it, or is it a slow burn that builds over a lifetime of paying…

“An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind” (Mahatma Gandhi) All over the world, individuals and groups seem to be “at war” with one another. Personal grievances don’t just play out as minor tiffs or arguments, but often develop at best, into litigation, or at worst, into bodily harm or murder. Anger, spite,…

“People can attach themselves to something – an idea, another person, a desire – with an impossibly strong grip, and in the case of restless ghosts, a grip stronger than death. Will is a powerful thing. Will – it’s supposed to be a good treat, a more determined and persistent version of determination and persistence….

“You made them hate me,” said Ender. “So? What will you do about it? Crawl in a corner? Start kissing their little backsides so they’ll love you again? There’s only one thing that will make them stop hating you. And that’s being so good at what you do that they can’t ignore you. I told…

“Income and wealth may impress your friends and increase your vocabulary, but having a servant attitude and compassion for others will cause people to take notice and give purpose to your life” (Germany Kent) The company was ailing. It wasn’t that their chicken was bad or tasteless – indeed, their range of products was good….

“Learning always involves self-transcendence. Learning calls forth what is in us, helping us to move toward authenticity and wholeness” (Karl Rahner) One of the most profound battles of life is becoming your best self – living up to your full potential and contributing meaningfully to society. Because development is recognised as a tough journey, millions…

“Don’t wait for the right opportunity. Create it” (George Bernard Shaw) Perspective (the way we see things) can be described as representing the light that passes from a scene through an imaginary rectangle to the viewer’s eye, as if a viewer were looking through a window and painting what is seen directly onto the windowpane….

“The road to success is paved with failure” (ANON) An idiom in any language is a literary style that typically represents a figurative, non-literal meaning attached to the phrase or expression, and often points out something of which someone should be aware. This is particularly true of the idiom above where the success road is…

“I heard approaching footsteps. I reached out my hand, as I supposed, to my mother. Someone took it, and I was caught up and held close in the arms of her who had come to reveal all things to me, and more than all things else, to love me” (Helen Keller, Guideposts) The highest form…

“When a team outgrows individual performance and learns team confidence, excellence becomes a reality” (Joe Paterno) Many motivation theories suggest that successful performance hinges on both having the needed skills and, also, the will to use these skills to achieve, but even motivated and skilled teams may fail to perform if they don’t have a…

One of the key roles of first-line leadership is to assist team members with their growth and development. Jim Rohn noted: “A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better”. This involves the mind-set, skills and…

A sedentary lifestyle is often characterised by sitting or lying down while engaged in an activity like socializing, watching TV, playing video games, reading, or using a mobile phone or computer for much of the day. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to poor health quality, diseases, and preventable causes of death. Applying the word ‘sedentary’ to…